#2030KaBharat campaign making the country aware of sustainable development goals.
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विविधता की शक्ति या एकता का माध्यम- हिंदी
Power of diversity or medium of unity- Hindi.
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From Expressing Yourself at the Top to Finding Yourself at the Bottom: The Scary Side of Social Media
Continue reading...फिर एक धमाका और तहस नहस हुईं कई ज़िंदगियाँ
Again an explosion and many lives were destroyed.
Continue reading...वक्त की रफ्तार ने आगे बढ़ाया या पीछे धकेल दिया हमें..
The pace of time has taken us forward or pushed us back.
Continue reading...सीखकर उपकार भूलने की भूल और मन में गुरु बनने का गुरुर
The mistake of forgetting the gratitude after learning and the pride of becoming a teacher in the mind.
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